Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Bil Awtistiaeth (Cymru) drafft

Draft Autism (Wales) Bill

Llythyr Ymgynghori DAB05

Consultation Letter DAB05

Ymateb gan: Dienw

Evidence from: Anonymous

As I currently work in education with high functioning Autistic children, I have become aware of the Autism bill. But as a parent of a now young adult on the Autistic spectrum, we were never asked for our views, needs or opinions in 2015 when the survey was carried out. This is the first time that I’ve even heard about it.

 My son has a diagnosis of Asperger’s and although he received 1:1 support all the way through his schooling. At home we received no support at all. My son did have lots of assessments throughout his childhood, but as a family we were given no practical support or help at all. Now that my son has left school, he as an adult receives no support at all, so we as his parents have to support him both at home, in work, study and socially with no guidance or support. That support he had in school, just disappeared over night.

 Therefore, I do think that it is vital that families and children/adults with a diagnosis of Autism do receive some form of support, guidance or help, in order to manage their family member. Now, we are good at managing our son, but it is essentially self taught, making lots of errors on the way. I would hope that in the future other families through a law being put in place do not have to face the difficulties that we faced.